Sunday 6 November 2011

Beautify the look of ubuntu 11:10

Dated October 13, 2011 Ubuntu released the final version of the newest version of ubuntu 11:10 OneiricOcelot named. For those of us who have already downloaded and installed the latest ubuntu is sure to be a different experience with how it looks, especially those using the actual gnome3.2 already included by default in this new version of ubuntu but need to be installed to be used.

There are several things you can do for us who have just installed the latest ubuntu, among others:

A. I usually do first is to perform the update in advance using the most common command in ubuntu that is:

$ Sudo apt-get update

2. For those of you (and me) who like the look of interest, you should use gnome3.2, you should install Tweaks General Tools with the command:

$ Sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool

3. After installed you should enable the selection of the activation of the shell in Gnome Tweak Tools

with the command:

$ Sudo apt-add-repository ppa: webupd8team/gnome3

$ Sudo apt-get update

$ Sudo apt-get install gnome-shell-extensions-user-theme

4. Well now it's time we will install gnome3.2 which have been included by default in the repository

ubuntu .. how to easily get through ubuntu software center or through the terminal with the command:

$ Sudo apt-get install gnome-shell

5. Now you just restart ubuntu then when prompted enter your password, click the gear

top right corner of the dialog box and select the gnome. Then enter your password and log into ubuntu

as usual .. well you are able to feel the 11:10 with the desktop gnome3.2 ubuntu ... it looks cool


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